2 dakika okuma süresi
May 4, 2024

Dynamism In Architecture

The concept of “dynamism”, which is used extensively in architectural discourses today, is characterized by activity and progress, in short, means mobility. “complexity”, “heterogeneity” as well as concepts such as social, cultural, economic aspects are used as one of the main concepts defining the basic characteristics of today’s world and is also seen as one of the important concepts for design for architecture. Nowadays, concepts such as “fluidity” and “continuity” some of which are directly taken from biology science and some of which are used with reference to them, have been important elements of architectural design language at a level that mostly controls the process of architectural form.

In the early 20th century, Antonio Santella and Mario Chiattone said that “We have to create and rebuild our modern cities like an enormous shipyard. Everywhere should be mobile and buildings should be dynamic like a giant machine.” Then, this radical and progressive vision will come to some extent with the Pompidou Business Center in Paris 50 years later. According to them, architecture is not only an arid combination of benefit and practicality but also an art. This means synthesis and expression. Santella opposed the classical and static aesthetics of the past, just as Gothic architecture opposed the static Renaissance architecture, and, together with its supporters, sought to achieve a vivid aesthetic resulting from the change and speed she called as “Architectural Dynamism“.

For example, architect Patrick Schumacher of Zaha Hadid Architects recently pointed out that Hadid has recently attempted to inject a new dynamism of architecture in the design of multi-storey buildings, a new flowing and adaptable feature that will respond to the increasing level of social and urban complexity. indicates that there is an effort to create architectural language.

Patrik Schumacher states that he is a part of Zaha Hadid Architects and expresses the existence of a style evidenced by contemporary avant-garde architecture. According to him, the most important characteristics of this style are the complexity and dynamic orientation of the structure.[3] It should also be mention that, this concept does not only exist in the form of the structure. Dynamism, which is also used in façade design, has been one of the concepts that aim to add a direction to the space and create a vivid aesthetic both in the past and today.

In the past, Gothic Cathedrals are an incredible step to structural dynamics despite the use of masonry as material. In the cathedrals, the vertical movement along the vertical plane and the orientation of the structure to the vertical because of the religious meaning with the sky are undoubtedly the most successful dynamism breaches in the history of architecture.

Back to the present day, as we have already mentioned, it is possible to see both the spatial and tectonic dynamism of Zaha Hadid Architects’ work, as well as the structural orientation and aesthetic mobility of most buildings designed by Frank Gehry.

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