Furkan Erarslan
YazarFurkan Erarslan
2 dakika okuma süresi
May 19, 2024

20th Century in England

Changes and Development of England in the 20th

The early 20th century includes a lot of changes in such economy, woman entitlement, second world war, and immigration. To begin with, the rise of feminism in the 20th led women to become more active and more influential, more open to fight for their struggles as socialists and ask for the right of voting and freedom. Having revealed feminism, it couraged women to talk about their rights and issues. Women began to feel more empowered to demand more social equality, so these ideals and discussions had become a part of the historical context in such literature and history. The war had a dramatic impact on women. The appearance of large numbers of women in uniform was easily the most visible change because many women entered the workforce where the war is, so women's views on working had been changed forever. Secondly, Britain was becoming a classless society. The expansion of education was available for working-class children to go on to education that proved a movement upwards on the social ladder. After the second world war, the country was initially in debt and Britain's economic importance in the world went through great turmoil during the 20th century, however, having come Clement Attlee in charge, he introduced reforms of the British economy to develop by doing such as National Health Service, taxes were increased, industries were nationalized. As a result of his deeds, Britain experienced the most rapid growth in recovering from the devastation of the second world war and became a world leader in many high industries such as computer software and as a provider of financial services. The war proved that government could deliver the basic needs of its population to a large extent. Throughout the post-war period, the number of television channels has grown as available digital technology and accession to the internet provided for individuals to reach possible new social interaction, as a result of this development, successive programs entitled to expand higher education that growth the development of research, information, and technology industries, moreover, the innovations in science and the arts have all been in part. Finally, immigration changed the aspect of Britain in which religion and thoughts. As a result of immigration from Commonwealth countries and others, Islam has begun the fastest growing faith in Britain, hence, Britain and İslamic believers conflicted with terms of their religion, in fact, the aspect of society was the secular rather than religious beliefs.

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